Donation Methods Please provide your latest and most accurate personal information, including name, ID number, contact phone number, email, and mailing address, on the donation form. We will use the personal data you provide in accordance with the “Personal Data Protection Act” and related laws within the scope of services provided by the National Taiwan Sport University, without using it for purposes other than those specified. ● Online Donation Please visit the NTSU Online Donation Platform. |
● Cash Donation Please fill out the Donation Form and bring it along with the cash to the Cashier Section on the 4th floor of the Administrative and Teaching Building at NTSU. |
● Check or Money Order Donation Make the check payable to: “National Taiwan Sport University 401 Account.” Please fill out the Donation Form and mail it along with the check or money order via registered mail to the NTSU Secretariat Office. |
● Postal Remittance Remittance Account Name: “National Taiwan Sport University” Account Number: “50238349” Please write the relevant donation information in the communication column and send the filled-out Donation Form by fax, mail, or scanned email to the NTSU Secretariat Office. |
● Bank Transfer or ATM Transfer Account Name: “National Taiwan Sport University 401 Account.” Account Number: “27130155551” Bank Name: “First Bank, Taoyuan Branch” (Bank Code: 0072713) After the transfer, please fill out the Donation Form and fax, mail, or email a copy of the transfer receipt or ATM transaction details to the NTSU Secretariat Office. |
● Credit Card Donation Please fill out the Donation Form and bring your credit card to the Cashier Section on the 4th floor of the Administrative and Teaching Building at NTSU to make the donation. |
● In-Kind Donations Please fill out the In-Kind and Labor Donation Form, attach the company delivery note, and include the NTSU Receipt for Free Loan of Donated Items. |
● Loan of Instruments, Facilities, and Equipment Please fill out the In-Kind and Labor Donation Form, attach the company delivery note, and include the NTSU Receipt for Free Loan of Donated Items. |
● Free Provision of Labor Please fill out the In-Kind and Labor Donation Form, attach the company delivery note, and include the NTSU Receipt for Free Loan of Donated Items. |
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